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  • Writer's pictureNo More Power Heels

Beware This Post Is Deep!

Today would have been my 9th wedding anniversary and for the first time since Benny died in 2015 I had to be reminded that it was my wedding anniversary!!!! This is growth and God healing my heart, it’s also a message to all of you going through loss or grief of any kind...have HOPE as things can feel better.

After my sister’s text I spent the remainder of the evening into the early hours of this morning celebrating myself and all that I have learnt, how much I have grown over the last 4 years and how grateful I am for all the blessings I have had along the way.

I am reminded throughout the evening of Benny’s never ending pursuit for love and kindness towards all humanity and his quest to try and encourage others to view world peace as everyone’s individual responsibility depicted in one of his pieces of art ‘Jesus Wept’, which is illustrated as the main picture for this blog. Deep I know but actually something that is essential for us all to strive towards if we have any hope of leaving this world for the generations to come.


Can we find world peace through being accepting of other people’s religious beliefs? My Views!

The Old Testament tells us in the book of Genesis that we are all descendants of Abraham. Christianity’s family tree is routed from Abraham and Sarah who had a child called Issac. Issac had two sons one of which was called Jacob, (given the additional name Israel after a wrestling match with God), Jacob went on to have 12 sons who became the rulers of the 12 tribes of Israel.

One of his sons was called Judah who became the ruler of the Tribe of Judah and started the line of David which is where Mary and Joseph descended from.

The Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant with the the Son of God and as followers of Jesus Christ we as Christians believe that Jesus was crucified, died to save us from our sins and on the 3rd day he rose from the dead.

All of this came from the descended line of the Tribe of Judah. This got me thinking that all the other 11 tribes would of had their own story, their own belief of how they are connected to God and their own story of how they believe God wants them to be living.


My question is this, aren’t we are all children of God and descendants of Abraham? So therefore regardless of how we believe in God or what we call him are we in fact simply brothers and sisters of the same Father spread out all over the world. Conclusion

I think we all come from the same Father and are related to him by way of different tribal lines but we are all 100% from the same family. Call to Action

It is my belief that religious discourse is at the core of most wars! If we could accept and agree that other religions, other tribes of Israel, other descendants of Abraham have the right to celebrate our Father in their own way; then I believe we would be able to have a chance at world peace!

What do you think?

Stay Blessed


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